tried to tell me today that we aren't allowed to ride around dangling
from the elbows on the cardiac walkers, making TIE fighter noises.
Fortunately I was on a cardiac walker at the time so I just screeched
away with my toes dangling over the linoleum, faster than they could
shuffle after me in their Dansko mules.
had some extra-special pts on the ICU lately. Things seem to come in
waves, a month at a time, and this month’s theme seems to be a tie
between “exhausting psych” and “heartbreaking pulmonary
fibrosis.” April started out with a seemingly straightforward
admit: a woman with a fresh spinal fusion, history of chronic pain,
and osteoporosis.
Hamm* was the first pt I took with my latest preceptee, Lizzie, who
comes to us fresh from a psych hospital-- sharp and bright and
already jaded as hell. “I hope my experience is useful on the ICU,”
she said, and sighed when I toppled into chair-spinning gales of
had three things working against her. First, she had absolutely
spectacular osteoporosis-- the bone mass of an 80yo woman in the body
of a 50yo woman. Her vertebrae had the mass-to-space proportion of a
bag of potato chips. This was her third attempt at stabilizing her
spine, and this time the docs had been forced to open her back and
cut through her stomach to reach all the way through.
of this bone loss was
probably genetic. She had been checked about a dozen times for
cancer, due to her severe bone deterioration, but it seemed like she
probably just hit the Dr Pepper real hard in her youth, and had a
couple bad alleles wrecking
her shit to boot. Nothing she could have known about.
not dissin the Doctor, by the way. Coke, Sprite, Pepsi-- they all
contain phosphoric acid, which strips calcium from your body,
especially while you’re young, starving your bones while they’re
trying to grow. And when you’re a tiny kid, you’re literally
stashing most of the calcium you’ll use for the rest of your life
in your bones, ready to be sucked out whenever you need a little
boost, or whenever you shotgun a carbonated drink.
are a lot of ways to lose calcium. Have a baby? Where do you think
its bones come from? Hint: it’s you. It’s your bones. There used
to be a saying that a woman would lose a tooth for every baby she
bore. Get cancer? It’ll rip the calcium right out of you and spray
it all over your blood, where eventually it’ll be excreted instead
of stashed back in the bones. Calcium is used for heart function, for
blood pressure maintenance, for using your muscles… oh yeah, and
also for making your bones hard and strong.
drinking soda as a child can fuck you over for the rest of your life.
Specialists like to say that osteoporosis is a childhood disease with
geriatric symptoms-- you fuck up your calcium balance with phosphoric
acid as a tiny kid, you end up with half the calcium you need for
your lifetime supply, you suck your bones dry and have degenerating
bone by the age of fifty. Like Hamm.
the mere physiological issues, though, Hamm had-- like most people
with chronic pain-- built up quite a tolerance to opioids. Enough
that we would never, ever be able to sedate her enough with fentanyl
to kill the pain. Enough that, after spinal surgery, she would have
months of agony no matter what we gave her.
Tylenol might have helped. But a rep was rude to our CT surgeon once,
and the pharmacist didn’t like their tone, and it costs like
$40/bottle, so we can’t have it. Fear not: I am raging my way
through this obstacle course and will get magical IV tylenol or die
with the chronic pain and disability, her personality disorder had
blossomed into a hothouse flower of fucking crazy ass shit. She raged
and wept and begged and flattered; she claimed that we were stealing
her meds, even when we started having multiple witnesses to
administration; she verbally abused staff and repeatedly called the
police on her cellphone to report that we were “torturing” her.
Her husband was one of those saintly enablers who longsuffers their
partner into an eternal prison of destructive behavior, constantly
apologizing for her and placating her and begging us not to think ill
of her.
be fair, she was kinda being tortured. By the time her pain was even
slightly controlled, she had such respiratory depression that she
nearly coded twice, and her anxiety about pain was so stratospheric
that she started screaming any time someone leaned toward her.
Literally screaming. Other pts asked in careful tones whether we
could do anything for the poor lady, and we replied that we were
really were, too. We don’t much care for the fine lines between
“tolerant,” “dependent,” and “addicted”-- they change too
quickly, are too individualized, and do nothing to help us care for
our pts. Somebody who uses a lot of opioids, whether it’s IV black
tar or cancer-dosed percocet, is at higher risk for withdrawal and
will need a higher dose to control pain. Nobody on the ICU gives a
shit about your addict status as long as your pain is controlled and
you aren’t a complete asshole about it.
we had Hamm on a 200mcg/hr fentanyl drip, a huge pile of oral opioids
and xanax every four hours, IV push dilaudid and ativan every twenty
minutes, and a couple tylenol thrown in for good measure. None of it
helped. Four hours after she returned from surgery, she cursed out a
nurse while screaming so loudly that her larynx started bleeding. All
of Lizzie’s psych experience was useless in the face of her terror
and pain.
refused turns and repositioning, but after about six hours the pain
of lying still was too great to stand, so we gave her everything we
had and gently shifted her weight. More screaming. We felt awful for
her, and also we got pretty sick of her, because everyone who went
into the room got the same manipulative treatment: first sobbing and
pathetic blessings for being “so caring” when “all the other
nurses are so cruel and are stealing my meds,” then accusations of
killing her, enjoying her pain, getting off on watching her scream,
and of course stealing her meds.
hours after her surgery, we thought we’d finally got it under
control, because she fell asleep for four hours and her face seemed
relaxed. No dice. When she awakened she announced that she’d been
lying there paralyzed with agony for “at least a day” and that
the nurse had been in the room the whole time grinning at her and
shaking her whenever she fell asleep, and also stealing her meds.
From that point on, she looked pretty comfortable and frequently
dozed off, sometimes even repositioning her legs independently
without flinching… but screamed whenever approached, claimed that
her pain was too high for our 10/10 scale, and kept on calling the
you know what? We took that seriously. Anxiety plays a huge role in
acute-on-chronic pain, and from the way her heart rate and blood
pressure leapt when she started screaming, she certainly seemed to be
feeling something terrible. We put her on a PCA, patient-controlled
analgesia, and let her give herself doses of pain medication-- 1mg
dilaudid at a time, up to once every six minutes, up to six mg per
hour. The pump reported that she had attempted to dose herself over a
thousand times the first hour. We could tell when the previous dose
timed out and the next was given, because her eyes would roll back
into her head as the medication knocked her out. Clearly, it was
hitting her-- she started having periods of apnea and her blood
pressure dropped into the 70s systolic-- but even in her stupor she
was still pressing the dose button over and over. Opioids just
weren’t cutting it for her.
we went for the big gun: ketamine.
used as a veterinary tranquilizer, ketamine made its way into medical
use for humans as an anesthesia drug. You could give it to someone
and they would go into a trance state, a waking slumber in which they
seemed to feel no pain and form no memories, and from which you could
use inhalants to send the pt into complete general anesthesia or just
let them hang out in the ketamine state while you did little fiddly
work on their body.
course, nothing that awesome is without drawback. Sometimes it made
people’s larynges spasm shut, choking them to death. Sometimes it
made their blood pressure skyrocket. Quite frequently, it caused wild
hallucinations and lasting psychological disturbance, and did not
mix well with mental diseases. Most of all, it made the operating
staff queasy, because it made pts giggle like creepy puppets while
the surgeons were cutting on them.
it’s not a common medication to give on the ICU, and I gather it’s
not terribly popular in the OR these days either. But when you have a
pt like Hamm who can’t get pain control any other way, well…
started the ketamine drip and crossed our fingers. We watched her
heart rate even out-- a strong indicator that she really had been
perceiving tremendous pain, since ketamine doesn’t affect the heart
rate. We watched her BP, depressed by all the opioids, rise back to
low but stable levels, and her rate of PCA demand dropped to a mere
three hundred or so per hour.
we watched her trip fucking balls. Hamm saw all kinds of shit while
the drip was on her, and her agitation and hallucinations were the
limiting factor on how high the rate could go. In her mind’s eye,
monsters crawled under the skin of the walls, worms slipped into her
bed and devoured her flesh, departed loved ones stood around her bed
and discussed how best to cook and eat her, and her endlessly
accommodating husband turned into a dog-mutilating Nazi. If we turned
the dose down low enough to keep her from freaking out, she bowed up
in agony; if we turned the dose up high enough that she forgot to
call the police every hour on the hour, she informed us that a huge
black bug-man was in the room, but whenever we came in he turned
sideways so we couldn’t see him.
wow, did the ketamine control her pain. Or, more specifically, made
her not give a shit that she was in pain. She could turn and move
without difficulty, although she still required a high dose of
opioids with her Special K, and her husband stressed himself out
because she wasn’t depending on him for his constant placation &
soothing and had to be sent home to shower because he was starting to
smell weird and also yell at the nurses. She still accused us of stealing her meds, and she still called the police occasionally, and she still whined at everyone who came into the room that they were the only "angel" among the "torturers" and would they please get her more dilaudid... but she did all these things with a steady heart rate, between comfortable naps, without screaming at all.
kept her on the ketamine for the next two weeks, and I’ll tell you
more about her departure from the ICU in the next post, because now
I’m gonna derail to tell you a story about the last pt I had on a
ketamine drip.
I worked nights at my previous facility, I often ran into
small-facility limitations and had no idea what to do with them,
because my early ICU training took place in some really big teaching
hospitals in Dallas and I consistently clashed with doctors about our
nonexistent sepsis protocol. “Sepsis protocols keep people from
actually thinking,” one doctor told me, and even though he was one
of my favorite doctors there I went full angry possum on him because
I had just paged him four times in an hour to beg for steroids for my
pt in refractory hypotension.
this case, however, my big-city book larnin’ hadn’t prepared me
for ketamine. My pt in room 312 was a six-foot-two gentleman with red
hair, a bodybuilder and personal trainer, in his mid-thirties, and he
had been diagnosed with metastatic cancer a few months earlier and
was dying. The cancer had gone to his lungs as well as his bones and
his liver.
in his twenties, Aaron* had been a pretty heavy drug user. Heavier
than usual, we suspected, because his red hair definitely came with
the redhead gene that made opioids much less effective, and he was so
resistant to pain control that he nearly self-extubated just by
screaming his breathing tube out on the second night he was admitted.
The noc doc and the head of medicine put their heads together and
came up with ketamine as a possible solution, and it worked almost
immediately when we started it.
was relieved to see him find a degree of comfort. He had, apparently,
managed to get clean from IV heroin at the age of twenty-five, and
gone on to really turn his life around, working with at-risk youth
and opioid addicts to help them break free and build their new lives
around physical fitness instead of drugs. He was the center of a
group of people who had turned their individual personal hells into a
tight-knit weightlifting community. He was a good person, and his
death was a tragedy, and his pain was unacceptable.
as with Hamm, the ketamine made him hallucinate. Instead of pain, he
felt worry. Between restful sleeping periods, his eyes darted from
ceiling to corner, watching dreadful imaginary things. He wrote to us
about them sometimes, in his more lucid moments, scrawling with a
sharpie on his clipboard. Bugs, of course. Things crawling under the
paint on the walls. Tall thing dark things that stepped around the
room and cleverly evaded our notice by standing behind the television
cables, or by twisting themselves into the curtains. Worms that
chewed on his legs.
hallucinations are bizarrely specific, and distressingly common.
Something in ketamine makes us all see the same things, it seems.
the end, he seemed very afraid of something next to his pillow,
something that made him crane his neck to the left and gesture
frantically for the sharpie. “Mom,” he wrote. “Next me N bed.
Shes dying help. Dead.”
couldn’t reassure him, even by pointing out his mother sitting at
the foot of his bed, weeping as she read his writing. His fiancee sat
by him too, but he barely recognized her, and for the last 48 hours
of his life he only communicated that we should help his mother, who
was lying next to him, dead.
we went to comfort care for him, when his mother and fiancee decided
it was time to let him go, we gave him so much fentanyl that it was
probably a euthanasia dose. We bombed him with opioids until his
blood pressure dropped out the bottom, turned off the ketamine, and
pulled out the breathing tube. He died four minutes later, never
having taken a full breath on his own since the tube was put in. The
opioid dose left his face relaxed, and he seemed to die at peace.
But, you know, young people die all the time. The funeral home picked
him up and we called a stat clean on his room, because there was
another pt waiting in the ER for an admit bed.
was in July.
February, we admitted his mother.
had been at home when the symptoms kicked in: shortness of breath,
nausea, weakness, lower back pain. She took a couple of tylenol and
waited for a few hours, then called for an ambulance when the
weakness became so severe that she couldn’t get to the bathroom to
pee. She was having a heart attack, of course. The cardiologists
tried to place a stent, but the damage was extensive, a huge chunk of
her heart had died, and even bypass surgery wouldn’t have helped
her. She was adamantly opposed, for reasons we could all understand,
to having a breathing tube pushed down her throat, even when her
dying heart made it difficult for her to breathe at all.
beds of our sixteen-bed unit were full on the night she came in, so
Aaron’s mother died in room 312, in the room and the bed where her
son had seen her dying the summer before.
death was much easier and less painful than his. She was short of
breath for a while, complained of indigestion, and then died in her
sleep. She knew exactly what room she was in, and seemed to find
comfort in it. Aaron’s fiancee came in to see her an hour later,
after work, and was able to sit with her body for a few minutes
before the funeral home came to carry her away.
we called a stat clean, because there was another pt in the ER
waiting for the bed.
I didn’t really think about Aaron for a long time, until we started
Hamm on her ketamine drip and she went totally nuts. Once I thought
of him, I remembered his name and the way he’d died, and I looked
up his name on the internet hoping to recall when he’d died, maybe
spot his obituary. His fiancee had made a blog about his death, which
she’d kept for about six months, chronicling her memories and her
slow recovery. It ended a month before his mother’s death.
was nothing on the blog about pain, or even about his hallucinations.
She wrote about him sleeping, about the hiss of his breathing on the
ventilator, and about the sorrow of losing him. The ketamine we gave
him had, in its way, given her a sense of peace.
Hamm, it gave us all peace. She slept eight hours a night and had
some of her first hours entirely without pain in a full decade. The
nurses were able to recover and rebuild their sympathy, and her
husband finally took an actual shower. Not a bad outcome for the
price of a few tall thin black bugs.
aaaaand that is how long it takes Elise to update when I, aka Franklin, does not hassle her to do so at work...Great read as always!
ReplyDeleteFuck. My parents raised me on juice and Pepsi. My grandmother, whose body I seem to have inherited, had severe osteoporosis when she died. She could barely walk at the end, her vertebra were just disintegrating.
ReplyDeleteFuck. THANKS MOM AND DAD.
Riveting stuff, as usual Elise!
ReplyDeleteI was tearing up. I'm glad you made another post.
Thanks, Franklin! ;) Maybe Franklin can set himself on a schedule to remind you to post every two weeks. :D
I got a bill from Patreon today and realized that I missed your post last month. It's the first time that I've ever been happy to see a bill. Thank you for your compassionate and entertaining writing.
ReplyDelete"There are a lot of ways to lose calcium. Have a baby? Where do you think its bones come from? Hint: it’s you. It’s your bones."
ReplyDelete(glances at 23 week-sized belly)
(eats more calcium-based antacids)
My friend Sam wrote a song about the Ketamine visions he had while in the hospital after a terrible auto accident he survived.
Very dear Elise,
ReplyDeleteI miss your posts, which without exception have shown us your learning, your desire to teach, and above all your enormous compassion. Do please let us have another one.
Thanks, and very best wishes for you, from
Mike Andrews, W5EGO
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